Customized solutions

Sometimes it not easy for customer to find the suitable solution suitable to their needs. The customized solutions are developed to be a unique solution to organizations that want to make a mark in their industry.
We have a wide experience in customized solutions tailored and individually designed to meet and satisfy the highest demands of the customer.
Example of customized solutions

Secure Document Issuing System
Secure document issuing system helps secure the document issuing and issuing
secure documents for any entity either governmental organization or private
organizations .
The software architecture is built to be modular and dynamic
enough to be extendable and customizable to fit the customer needs and
features using latest technologies.

E-commerce online shopping
Selling online increases your reach, with an online store, your profits are no longer limited by the number of customers that can physically visit your store location, with online store all geographical limitations can be removed. Online shopping can save time for both the buyer and retailer, reducing phone calls about availability, specifications, hours of operation or other information easily found on company and product pages.

E-payment is a subset of an electronic payment for buying and selling goods or services offered through the Internet. Electronic payment provides better
and easier service for consumer and provides many benefits to retailer such
highly secure solution, lower cost for businesses and better management for
customer information.
Our maintenance plans are designed to free you from
day to day operations and enable you to focus on business.

Sport Club Management System
Club management system solution is highly customizable based on each club rules and regulations, the system covers membership management, payment,
card issuing, sports management and lockers management in addition to club
system configuration modules.
System can integrate with other systems based
on system analysis.

E-Government Integration (B2G, G2G)
Mainly consists of the digital interactions between a citizen and their government (C2G), between governments and government agencies (G2G), between
government and citizens (G2C), between government and employees (G2E), and
between government and businesses/commerce (G2B).
The main target of using
E-government portals is to use the information technology and communication
revolution as a tool to achieve better government and better services The
validation and verification process make the product not only defect-free
but also compliant to internationally accepted standards and guidelines

Documents & Records Management System
Document management system mainly used to store, manage and track electronic
documents beside automates business processes and eliminates the operational
bottlenecks to improve the overall efficiency and productivity of your
The main advantages of using Document managed system are reducing
costs , better accessibility , more easier to find documents and more easier
to audit and monitor the changes.
We aim at providing a sustainable strategy
that is commercially viable as well as highly profitable for your digital